User-Friendly Interface.


3-D and Augmented Reality Molecular Dynamics Visualization

  • Molecular dynamics simulations are automatically performed on each molecule to predict binding poses with your receptor's active site, and provide easy-to-use 3D visualizations readily available within the web portal.

  • 3D simulation files are provided in USDZ format, allowing iPhone users the option to simply click the file for automatic Augmented Reality viewing on their phone, or integration with Augmented Reality glasses.

Screen Your Own Molecules

  • In addition to the automatic screening of all novel molecules designed by LIME, users are also able to upload their own molecule datasets to automatically screen with all of the features above, allowing users to find hidden gems within their own internal datasets or to repurpose drugs that have already received FDA approval.

Our Goal for User interface 

  • Artificial Intelligence provides seemingly endless possibilities to change the world for the better. Unfortunately, most people do not have the computer science skills to utilize the power of AI. We believe that the opportunities provided by Artificial Intelligence should not be limited by the users’ technical knowledge and capabilities, but by their imagination. That is why we focus greatly on our UI being as simple and user-friendly as possible. We strive to ensure that our technology can be fully utilized by anyone, regardless of technical background.